Franklin O. Sorenson

The Little Red Hen (retold)

         Once there was a Little Red Hen, who found some seeds of wheat.  She decided to plant them.  “Who will help me plant the wheat,” ask the little red hen. 

         “Not I,” said the Cat.  “Not I,” said the Duck.  “I’d love to,” said the Pig, but I’ve got 14 little piglets here and we’re working two jobs right now to put slop on the table.”

         “Then I’ll do it myself,” said the Little Red Hen.  And she did.

         After a while it was time to harvest the wheat.   “Who will help me harvest the wheat?” asked the Little Red Hen.  “Not I,” said the cat.  “Not I,” said the Duck.  “I’d love to help,” said the Pig, “but one car is in the shop getting its engine replaced, and my husband takes the other one to work.”

         Then it was time to grind the wheat.  “Who will help me grind the wheat?” asked the Little Red Hen.  “Not I,” said the Cat.  “Not I,” said the Duck.  “I can’t right now,” said the pig.  “My husband broke his leg and I’m taking in laundry in addition to my day job.” 

“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the Little Red Hen.  And she did.

When the wheat was ground, the Little Red Hen asked, “Who will help me bake the bread?”

“Not I,” said the Cat.  “Not I,” said the Duck.”  “I’d love to,” said the Pig, “but I’ve got 8 school conferences this week and don’t have an extra minute.”  

“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the Little Red Hen.  And she did.

Then it was time to eat the bread.  “Who will help me eat the bread?” asked the Little Red Hen.

“I will,” said the Cat.  “I will,” said the Duck.  (The Pig was in the emergency room with 3 piglets, who had swine flu). 

“No you won’t,” said the Little Red Hen.  And she fed it to her family, except for 2 loaves that she took to the bishop as her fast offering.  We don’t know for sure, but we think the bishop might have given the loaves to the Pig family.

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