Franklin O. Sorenson

In my humble opinion…

My views on life, society, and politics:

In consider myself first a Christian (a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) human being, then an American, then a member of a political party. In my view, many in the political parties embrace the policy of being a party member first, and PERHAPS being a human being third.

I believe that people of all races, cultures, and religions should be treated respectfully, and that we should try to understand them in the context of their cultures.

I believe that the Constitution of the United States was divinely inspired, with a provision to amend errors or omissions through prescribed means. I believe that the government of one of the richest countries on earth has a Christian/human obligation to provide a safety net for those who are disadvantaged (the handicapped, the poor, refugees, etc.). Having lived in a third-world country with few functional social programs, I believe that the SOCIETY we want and should aspire for should provide these safety nets, and I am willing to pay taxes to help provide these safeties.

I believe in civil conversation and in treating other people respectfully. There are enough challenges in modern society that we don’t need to add animosity or hostility in conversations about religion, politics, or, even more importantly, the weather. (Just joking)

I believe that we should be able to laugh at ourselves, and should inject humor, where appropriate, into our daily life. Many times in my professional career I found that tensions dissipated when appropriate humor was introduced.

I believe that the most vulnerable among us should be protected and nurtured. This would include children, the elderly, the disabled, those who do not speak the predominant language, women who have been emotionally abused, etc. I believe this view is consistent with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

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